Friday, November 15, 2019
Participation and Independence in Health and Social Care
Participation and Independence in Health and Social Care Analysis of how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care service. Imran Table of Contents (Jump to) Explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation, and social exclusion for vulnerable people Analysis how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care service. 1.2 Analyse the presenting factors that may affect the self medicate. Question: Identify the risks that may occur. and What measures can be initiated to minimize risks? Question What you would consider to be the advantage and disadvantages of Jeans self medication Question: Do you think Jean should be encouraged for self medication. Give reasons for your answer Question 2: How will you support Mr H to meet his dietary needs? Question: Analyse how will you manage the tension to enable Mr H to cook his meal safely and your responsibility to ensure his safety and that of others. Question 3: Obtain a copy of your organizational risk assessment policy, procedure and analyse the effectiveness of policies procedure in management of risks (AC 3.2) Question 4: Identify and review current legislation, codes of practice, policy on medication administration in a residential home. Obtain copy of your organization policy and procedure, evaluate the effectiveness of the in line with health and social care requirements (AC 4.1 and 4.2) Question: analyse how national service standards promote safe practice in the handling of medication evaluate, using a known setting, the effectiveness of policies and procedures for administering medication in achieving best possible outcomes for service users Question 5: Communication is vital in health and social care, analyse how you can use the effective communication to promote and maximize the right of service -users in health and social care (AC 1.3) Question 6: Explain the factors that contribute to loss of independence, non participation and social exclusion of service (AC 2.1) References Case Study 1 Task -1 Explain how existing legislation and sector skills standards influence organizational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of bob and other service users in similar situations. Also analyse how organizational system and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care service (AC 2.1 and 2.2) 2.1 Explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation, and social exclusion for vulnerable people Answer: In the given case Mr Bob Small is a individual with profound deaf (God Bless him) and he is out of work due to sickness related stress. He has got diabetic, suffererred stroke. His physical condition is such that he is not in a position of communicating with general people. Only someone has knowledge in communicating him with sign language can communicate. Or if he needs to go out and mix with others he needs someone who can help him for doing this for him. This is how he would have felt better, mix with other people. In addition when any individual is not physically well they do not feel like communicating with others. Doctors also suggest to take rest. However, as someone is not deaf or not able to speak or has problem with any other physical condition they can communicate their problem which does not happen for physically disadvantaged people. They need care and support from others. Legislation and national service standards: Care Standards Act and relevant current legislation including that for health and safety; Care Standards Commission, inspection processes Following describes a situation of Mr. Small on different issues: Goals of need Desired Outcome Ways of achieving it Who is responsible Time Scale Regular support Mr. Smalls day to day activities is smooth Regular support Government Regular Support in communication Mr Small can communicate with others Therapy Government Until he learns to communicate Encourage Mr. Small to communicate with others Mr Small is communicating with others Motivation Government Until he is comfortable to communicate Treatment Mr small is feeling better GP, Hospital treatment NHS Until he is well Loneliness Mr Small has companion in different times Mixing with people Government Regular Organizational system and processes are there to help anyone in the situation of Mr Small. Followings are the activities can be initiate to encourage individual to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care service 2.2 Analysis how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care service. Answer Organization system and processes can promote Mr Smalls participation and independence or anyone like him who uses the service of social care by (Richards, 1996): 1. Ensuring the performance of the workers who will provide their service are up to the high standard and professional. They do their work in sincerely so that individuals with similar problem can find it motivating to mix with other. The social worker also can help the individual needs care with learning and showing how to communicate and mix with other. This will help to build their confidence for long time. 2. Organizations can provide the information about the individual needs care. Information will help the social worker and other related parties to decide what sort of service and care is needed by the service seeker 3. The organization system and processes can empower the social worker to take decision about the individual in need. So that in terms of the situational issues they can work accordingly. However there has to b enough safety steps and also the person providing social care has to be expert and professional in the job who has detail understanding of handling similar individuals. Case Study 2 1.2 Analyse the presenting factors that may affect the self medicate. Answer In case Ms. Jean Barlow following factors may affect the self medicate: In case of Ms Barlow she was a confident person but her confidence is shaken in 7 months hospital stay. She became nervous and less like to prove her confidence again immediately. Thus she needs a regular support Ms Jean Barlow usually was independent however her situation in the hospital caused her to be dependant. Which is a big factor for Ms. Barlow to affect her self medication Usual nurse support and staffing also play good part of for Ms. Jeans medication. If she is offered support nurse this may vary. Reason being service is not the same for all individual. It varies thus she may receive variety of service in this movement when she needs support. Level dependence also plays a good role in case of persons like Ms Barlow. It can be seen that she needs more support in the initial stages however she is coping with the situation and learning to manage things by herself as much as possible slowly. Health condition of Ms Barlow is also very important. When her health will improve her confidence will also improve. Thus in addition to the social care service it is highly important that she gets proper medication so that her medical condition is getting proper care to improve in time. Question: Identify the risks that may occur. and What measures can be initiated to minimize risks? Answer In case of situation like Ms Barlow there are following risks if not proper care are given. Steps to minimize the risks are also mentioned in the following table Risks involved What can be done to avoid the risks Losing confidence for longer period Enough measures and confidence building activities and mental support needs to be there to avoid this and help her recovering slowly Not have proper medication in time Train and show her how and when to what medicine. Be with her a for a while to show everything. Nervous breakdown There has to be continuous support and mental strength so that she does not reach such stage Never learn properly to be on her own By encouraging her to mix with others. So that she knows that she can manager is very important Forget full and lead to sever disease There has to be training and care so that she can practice to increase her memory Increased anxious person There can be medicine to mitigate her anxiousness. But more than that there has to be constant moral and physical support so that she does not reach such situation. Consider the results of the risk assessment and in writing accept the adequacy of the systems security, i.e., accept the residual risk and the selection of cost-effective controls. Commit to performing on-going, periodic risk management Question What you would consider to be the advantage and disadvantages of Jeans self medication Answer According to NCBI (2001) self medication is a very important and increasing area of healthcare in the UK. It has the following advantage according to the report of NCBI (2001) and WHO (2000): It helps Jean to be self confident It will help Jean to learn how to manage herself and see the result of managing herself with proper medication and feel better With a bit of clinical training by the support worker Jean will be able to manager her, light, medical issues, by herself Ms J Barlow will have more empowerment on herself and will also learn to take her own decision If there is any issue of minor illness Jean will not be panicked or anxious In the NCBI (2001) and WHO (2000) report following disadvantages are there in self medication: Jean may take wrong medicine unintentionally There may be mistake by Jean about the dose. She may take more or less and about the timing as well. If Jean cannot remember when she needs to and when actually does take medicine she may take more or less number and quantity of the medicine These can lead to health risk and also the risk of losing her confidence further on herself. Question: Do you think Jean should be encouraged for self medication. Give reasons for your answer Answer Ms J Barlow should definitely be encourage for self medication undoubtedly. Reasons are She needs to learn how to manager herself for the long time and always She must have her confidence back on herself. This is not only to reduce cost of social care on her but also to make Jean as a normal human being Jean must not be in a satiate where she is alone but very anxious. If she knows how to handle herself alone she will be strong in any satiation However above all the benefits there can be risk of doing that. Thus to avoid any risk proper initiatives has to be there so that it can sure that at least she knows what to do and how to seek help in case of severe situations. Her confidence needs to be built before she is on her own for the medication. Case Study 3: Question 2: How will you support Mr H to meet his dietary needs? Answer Following measures can be taken to help Mr. H with his food Mr H can be encouraged to cook on his own with continuous supervision from begging to end There has to be regular observation of his behaviour and someone knowledgeable and friendly, according to Mr H, has to be with him while he is cooking Otherwise Mr H can be provided with the food he wants Mr. H can also be discussed the benefit and the issues of the other food recommended by the dietician. But this has to be done in a time when Mr H is in proper mood Mr H can be constantly remind about things while he is cooking and also regarding his meal Question: Analyse how will you manage the tension to enable Mr H to cook his meal safely and your responsibility to ensure his safety and that of others. Answer: Safety is a vital issue for anyone. Specially when there is special medical care there is a increased need to be vigilant, observant of any risk of safety. Following things can be done so that Mr H can cook his meal safely and that does not hamper safety of others Someone has good relationship or rapport with Mr H should be there while he is cooking Someone knowledgeable will be there while he cooks so that the carer can identify the risk issue immediately and can take safety initiative The carer can encourage Mr H to behave normally and give the confidence the process can be done smoothly in a proper manner from the very beginning to end Mr H has right to learn to manage things on his own. Thus the carer must take care of that All the risky apparatuses should be kept in a place where Mr H cannot reach easily after finished using those Question 3: Obtain a copy of your organizational risk assessment policy, procedure and analyse the effectiveness of policies procedure in management of risks (AC 3.2) Answer: Agency must develop (SCEI, 2000), implement, and maintain a risk management/assessment program to ensure that appropriate safeguard measures are taken. Analysis of effectiveness of policies procedure in management of risks goes below: It is effective in the sense that it can handle both medical and physical situation of the social care service seeker It is safe for service seeker and providing officer It is vast and wide to cover all the health and security related issues while providing service It is effective overall Question 4: Identify and review current legislation, codes of practice, policy on medication administration in a residential home. Obtain copy of your organization policy and procedure, evaluate the effectiveness of the in line with health and social care requirements (AC 4.1 and 4.2) Answer: For this answer I will choose Dignity Care UK (2008). I will analyse their codes of practices, which is line with existing legislation in residential home (Miller, 1996): The support and care has to be effective, with care and professional Centre must not work with non-trained carer Centre must regularly monitor the situation of care providing by the carer staffs There has to be evidence before taking any action, if necessary, against carer There has to be regular supply of proper care to the individual needs help Centre must appoint assessors who can assess the caring situation and environment on a regular basis There will be proper and regular supervision and assessment The carer must to be qualified and fit for the job according to criteria of the organization The carer must maintain accurate record whenever necessary so that it can be evaluate later with senior staffs Explain the legislation, guidance, codes of practice and policy that apply to the handling of medication Question: analyse how national service standards promote safe practice in the handling of medication evaluate, using a known setting, the effectiveness of policies and procedures for administering medication in achieving best possible outcomes for service users Answer Aim of the policy of Dignity Care (2008) are Ensure that proper care are given to the individuals or advice seeker. There has to be good management of the situations of the clients, proper care for their medicines and health issues whenever necessary The policy is in line with National Service Framework for Older People, Commission for Social Care Inspection Professional Guidance for the Administration and Management of Medicines and the National Minimum Care Standards. There is a good standard of care set by the organization and it is followed always on regular basis Promote and maintain independence by advising service users about safety issues on their own medicine handling Encourage patients to be self sufficient whenever applicable Follow the rules of the UK legislation Continuous development of the service of the care worker Question 5: Communication is vital in health and social care, analyse how you can use the effective communication to promote and maximize the right of service -users in health and social care (AC 1.3) Answer: Communication helps social care providers to provide the best health service. This is very important. Communication is not in the sense of verbal discussion but also covers communicating with patients whatever forms it takes to do that. Following is the analyse how effective communication can be used effectively to promote and maximize the right of service -users in health and social care: Understand the right way of communication with different type of care seekers Follow the rules and regulations of the care providing agency so that a professional standards are met There has to be enough room and encouragement to the care service providers to give feedback to their agency office so that if there is change of carer same level of service is provided. It does not make any different for the care receivers Carer has to have the knowledge of policy of the organization Carer has to have the knowledge of legal requirements to communicate with the service seekers Carer must be trained properly to communicate with different types of care seekers Carer must understand the needs of development of his/ her communication with the care seeker. So that s/he can develop accordingly with the help of their head office Question 6: Explain the factors that contribute to loss of independence, non participation and social exclusion of service (AC 2.1) Answer In case of Mr H there is a room for loss of independence and non participation and exclusion from the society (Denham, 1997). Following issues can contribute to that (NCBI, 2001): Lack of communication ability with others Lack of ability to mix with others Lack of self control Health condition. Poor health condition leaves less room for the care seeker to think about other issues. Thus if Mr H is in good health he will feel good talking and mixing with others Change of carer. If there is always new carer comes to serve Mr H he may not feel comfortable equally with everyone. This may make him down mentally and he may not act the way he should Relationship with the carer. If the relation is not good there will not be any development in terms of providing the best care Shift pattern of the carer may not be as comfortable for the care seeker which may cause insecurity in his mind and make him dependants Anxiousness of the Mr H is also contribute to the fact that he is becoming less independent Mr Hs confidence level may contribute to the fact of being self confident. If Mr. Hs development is slow it can also cause insecurity in his mind and make him less able to manage himself. References: Denham M J, Continuing Care for Older People, Nelson Thornes, 1997, ISBN: 0748731822 Miller J, Social Care Practice, Hodder Arnold, 1996, ISBN: 034065516X Richards J, Caring for People A Lifespan Approach, Nelson Thornes, 1999, ISBN: 0748739009 Toft C, Care and Registered Manager’s Award at S/NVQ Level 4, Hodder Arnold, 2003, ISBN: 0340876050 accessed on March 29, 2014 accessed on March 29, 2014 accessed on March 29, 2014 accessed on March 29, 2014 accessed on March 29, 2014 1
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